These STEPs were all tested using the "vault hold." The positions of the subject and the examiner were unchanged except for the application of the examiner's hands to the subject's head. The "vault hold" is the descriptor for the method of application of the examiner's hands to the subject's head. This application was for the evaluation of the interosseous motions which are conceptualized to occur between the bones of the cranial vault. The index fingers of each hand were applied gently to the area overlying the external surfaces of the great wings of the sphenoid. The fifth fingers of each hand rested in contact with the occipital squama approximately one-half inch medio-posterior to the occipito-mastoid suture above the superior nuchal line. Some slight differences in the placement of these fingers may result if examiners have small hands, or if a head is relatively large in size, but this does not interfere with the proprioceptive cues that can be perceived. The third and forth fingers of each hand were not used in the motion-testing process during sphenobasilar evaluation. The thumbs did not contact the subject's head but did contact each other. They served to provide the examiner with proprioceptive and kinesthetic cues about the equality of motion when movements in one direction were compared with reciprocal movements in the opposite direction.