The "Prepare test" button allows for computer calibration. Click 't' to start. It is best to proceed with the test as soon as entering. Push the 't' key or click on the Test button once. Tell the patient to be still but not stiff. They should not talk or move and be in the same position and state of mind. The interrupt for testing will test over 6,000 items at approximately one hundredths of a second each, with a pause in between testing. There will be a click during the test and a gong at the end. If you are sensitive to noises then use your sound access on your windows system to mute the sounds. If the patient is pregnant you can test the baby by going to the treatment button on top then to the test baby button. This can activate a filter for measuring the baby reaction patterns. If the computer can not properly filter the signals for a very young fetus it will tell you. For the fetus less than 2 month there is sometimes difficulty.

Windows does not operate in real time. So to measure our patient's reactivity we will need to interrupt Windows. The mouse will not work during this interrupt. The computer shifts to assembly language and then completes the test or therapy and when it returns it brings the data into windows for us to review. The total time of the test should be under 2 minutes. The interrupt will stop and the mathematical calculation will start, taking about 5 to 20 seconds. During the calculation the patient can talk and move. A warning of windows interrupt panel appears. There is pertinent info on your patient in the panel. The SOC index is in the upper left side, on the lower part there is the voltage, amperage, resistance, oxidation and hydration scores. These scores reflect results from the demographics and calibration screens. Now we can start our analysis of the patient.

Xrroid is a trademarked word for rapid testing of thousands of substances in the test kit on your harness to the electrophysiological reactivity of the patient. There are over twelve real and thirty-three virtual for fifty-five total measures of reactance variables performed on each substance. Since the reaction is an ionic reactance the test reaction take place in small time intervals allowing for the rapid test procedure called the XRROID.

The lowest scores will now appear on the top. The highest reaction score on the top. The scores on the first screen are somewhat significant, look at them. But the most significant scores are the highest ones. To see the highest scores click on the arrow pointing to the right above the scores matrix. This takes you to the high scores. The higher the number the higher the reaction, scores above 95 are significant. The computer will shade the significant numbers in purple or red. This is not an absolute but the best mathematical estimate. The red scores are three standard deviations from the mean, purple are two SD from the mean, yellow, one. The blue scores are in order of reactivity.