The ENERGYSCAN QXCI system will not work on Windows NT because it does not support parallel port interfaces well enough to allow QX data interface. Use on Windows 95 or 98.

You will need 300 megabyte free on your hard drive to operate the system. Another one or two hundred will make a good long term patient data base. You need at least 16 mega bytes of ram and more will allow better use. 120 MHz speed of your CPU is minimally necessary. The timer chip in your computer is important for the timing interface. If it is not fast enough the system can over clock our ENERGYSCAN QXCI operation to compensate. This will not effect any other operation of your computer.

Try not to have any other programs running during the operation of the ENERGYSCAN QXCI, so disable any program that is auto installed on start up (unless you have a large amount of ram but even then these other programs might interfere with the ENERGYSCAN QXCI). Make sure that black is not used anywhere on your appearance screen under the control panel, display, appearance panel. Black on this screen will possible cause a blank or black name in the QX program. In the control panel, display, screen saver or power saver or power management options set them at 50 or more minutes so that they do not click in during any of our long therapies in the ENERGYSCAN QXCI operation. Many of our Windows interrupts can last for over forty minutes. In the control panel, display, settings use 1024 by 728 or larger to maximize the view. Using a non ionizing radiation screen such a liquid crystal display or back lit can reduce the health risk. A good screen is good on the eyes as well, so don't try to save the screen money. The ENERGYSCAN QXCI device will reduce CPU harm but can not effect the large image orthicon tube screen dangers.

The ENERGYSCAN QXCI system to operate efficiently needs windows 95 or 98 (not windows NT), 16 MB memory (64 recommended), Hard drive minimum 300 megabytes free space after installation, CD drive, Soundboard, Color monitor, and 65535 more colors videocard. Operate with a medical safe surge protector or on battery.


We found in 1999 that some unscrupulous Korean businessmen were selling the ENERGYSCAN QXCI system for over $45,000. This system was archaic and could not be updated. The price was not fair. This was inappropriate and illegal something needed to be done. Other persons have committed fraud by selling illegal forms of the ENERGYSCAN QXCI. Since the ENERGYSCAN QXCI is the largest and best cybernetic medical software in the world today we realize that there will always be greed person who will try to cheat the public.

So to protect the public we ask that you get an update once a year. To get these files go to the Internet and get the update file and put it into the clasp32 \program folder. If you do not have access to the Internet call your contact person and have the update file sent to you on disk.

This way we can protect you and give you more material for helping your patients. So get the file now for in May your system will crash. If this is not to your satisfaction please call the Korean Cheats and the others who have violated international copyright laws.